History & Mission


EMship has grown significantly since its early days as an executive master into the frontier full (two-year) program with diversified specialisations in all up-and-coming sectors in the marine and offshore domain. Yet through every change big and small, we’ve embraced our foundations. 

Our vision for EMhip’s future rests on our bedrock belief in a multicultural global education that forms each student as a unique and extraordinary person. An EMship education is more than a degree. It’s a chance to find collective purpose and meaning and to learn how to live a life in an international ever-changing environment. 

Our mission-driven approach to teaching, research and programs is the heart of the EMship experience. EMship’s aim: is to create more women and men like you — well-rounded, service-minded, and ready to lead the way in pursuit of a sustainable world through innovative research and design.



EMship is a world-class academic program recognized for excellence in teaching, learning and research, and enriched by a decade-long tradition of cultural integration. 

The mission of this alumni association is to ensure that those traditions are continued as part of the everyday life of all EMship alumni. Thus we aim to keep strengthening our network through newsletters that will update alumni of the latest happenings, EMship Corporate programme, annual events, workshops and reunions.


Embracing our strengths

We believe that foresight starts with reflection. We derive the boldness of our vision from the strength of our values, history, and traditions. As the program adapts to an ever-changing world, we’re even more committed to everything that makes EMship, EMship. We will embrace our cultural diversity, fortify our foundations, and we will thrive because of it. The deeper our roots, the farther our reach. Thus, we invite all alumni to take an active part in the alumni association and organise reunions in local chapters within their city/country. In addition, we encourage alumni to continue to support the EMship program via industrial integration by offering lectures, workshops, and internship invitations within their respective organisations.   

Reach out to us via the Contact form to get involved and stay connected.